dB-Contest Da Bomb is a new game.

In this game form, the sensor is not stuck on the window, but has a bomb-shaped frame.

The participant may decide where the sensor will be in the car at dB-Contest Da Bomb.

This may lie everywhere as long as the location will not damage the sensor. (not on the subwoofer)

After starting the meter, the participant has 30 seconds to get the highest possible average score.

This means that if after 10 seconds the participant sets the volume of music down the final average score will fall lower.

dB Contest Da Bomb can only be played with music.

Doors and windows may be opened if desired.

During measurement, the sensor should not be moved.

In total, 5 measurements can be made as long as time permits over 2 days (Use these extra measurements wisely)

Class Classification:

Trunk: The subwoofer (s) and housing are in the trunk behind the rear seat.

This must be present and lockable but may be laid flat during measurement.

No Wall.

The rear seat has been removed.

The subwoofer (s) and housing are no higher than half of rear side windows.


Higher than no wall

There will be cups and certificates for the top 3 of every class.