Results Flevoautoshow

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Score (dB) Name Country Points
141.1 dB Raymon Mensink 1
132.3 dB Jeffrey Klein 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
138.7 dB Oskar Bialas 1
129.9 dB Vanistendael Weena 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
153.7 dB Rickie Savels 1
151.5 dB Raymon Grit 1
149.9 dB Raff Vitali 1
148.4 dB Hans Kleingeld 1
146.4 dB Bjarne Laebens 1
141.2 dB Chiara Vranken 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
147.2 dB Micha Vuijst 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
159.8 dB Eric Simons 1
152.0 dB Jimmy De Hoogh 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
162.2 dB Levy Pro 1
160.8 dB Davy Van Der Veen 1
160.5 dB Gerhard Doornwaard 1
158.5 dB Jelto Martens 1
157.2 dB Ton De Haan 1
156.0 dB Cedric Van Roeyen 1
153.6 dB Frans De Haan 1