Results Ostfriesen Tuning Day Germany

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Score (dB) Name Country Points
140.1 dB Jesse Eisinga 1
132.4 dB Tapper 1
126.3 dB Fabienchen 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
135.5 dB Patrick 1
135.0 dB Kevin Sanders 1
133.2 dB Deekay 1
132.6 dB Jasmin Schneider 1
131.2 dB Thorsten 1
128.1 dB Svento 1
122.1 dB Monchi 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
143.7 dB Dä Hotte 1
143.2 dB Andre 1
142.7 dB De Pommes 1
140.2 dB Sergej Lichtenwald 1
139.3 dB Karlheinz Heykes 1
137.8 dB Marcel Sanders 1
132.3 dB Alex Diner 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
147.1 dB Eike Nowak 1
144.9 dB Dbo Matias Davids 1
135.5 dB Thomas 1
134.9 dB Chris Schalkowski 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
142.0 dB Daniel Brauer 1
122.4 dB Hendrik V Original 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
133.0 dB Jp Sticker 1