Results dB-Contest @ Underground Street Dogz Meeting Beilen

Blow a list with all results of the competition and points.

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Score (dB) Name Country Points
148.7 dB Rieks Lensen 1
140.4 dB Jesse Eisinga 1
136.6 dB Pieter Van Wijngaarden 1
127.5 dB Marten Van Esch 1
124.1 dB Dominic Ter Steege 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
139.1 dB Raymon De Jong 1
137.4 dB Ruben Van Benthem 1
136.3 dB Vincent Golf 1
132.9 dB Bryan Seat 1
132.6 dB Aaron Golf 1
132.6 dB Jeffrey Golf 1
131.8 dB Max Toulon 1
131.4 dB Robin Klooster 1
130.0 dB Harm Polo 1
129.2 dB Justin De Velde 1
128.1 dB Randy Dussel 1
126.7 dB Robin Seat 1
125.9 dB Jori V Oosten 1
122.9 dB Duncan Bmw 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
145.7 dB Yaro Golf 1
143.5 dB Jan Willem Bijker 1
142.7 dB Tim Veeninga 1
142.6 dB Kristan Bennink 1
142.5 dB Willy Otten 1
139.6 dB Kevin Mulder 1
133.6 dB Jeffrey Bmw 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
150.5 dB Willem Otto 1
147.2 dB Folkert Homan 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
156.6 dB Raymon Grit 1
147.5 dB Raymon Mensink 1
141.4 dB Robin Metselaar 1
136.9 dB Paul Heida 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points