Results Ultimate Car Experience (ICE XTRA)

Blow a list with all results of the competition and points.

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Score (dB) Name Country Points
146.1 dB Rieks Lensen 1
143.4 dB Andre Van Het Erve 1
135.0 dB Jesse Eisinga 1
134.6 dB Richard Drost 1
133.3 dB Wim Stoffers 1
131.0 dB Nick Willems 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
148.1 dB Danny Boeve 1
144.4 dB Jan Willem Bijker 1
144.1 dB Luuk Tissingh 1
137.7 dB Sven Talsma 1
134.1 dB Paula Maat 1
133.3 dB Kelvin Geres 1
132.7 dB Jakob Staats 1
130.7 dB Raymond Dufourny 1
128.3 dB Johan Prins 1
126.5 dB Ricardo Feeburg 1
123.1 dB Sander Boerman 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
149.4 dB Piet Wolters 1
147.9 dB Jan Fokke vd Heide 1
146.8 dB Tejo Sloots 1
146.2 dB Eppie Van Lochem 1
145.4 dB Willy Otten 1
140.9 dB Vincent De Bruijn 1
134.6 dB Marcel Pinkster 1
133.3 dB Anco Steipstra 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
147.8 dB Peter Hofman 1
144.3 dB Walter Poeder 1
135.3 dB Wesley Goos 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
156.0 dB Rick Van Esch 1
154.1 dB Johan Van Essen 1
152.8 dB Vincent Broekhuizen 1
151.7 dB Micha Vuijst 1
148.8 dB Jasper Sanders 1
142.9 dB Edjo Audio 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
154.2 dB Ray Van Asselt 1
152.2 dB Richard Bakker 1
151.7 dB Gerhard Bora 1
151.5 dB Ronald Van Veldhuizen 1