Results Tuning Car Meeting

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Score (dB) Name Country Points
151.7 dB Lambaerts Fons 1
140.4 dB De Koning Jimmy 1
135.2 dB Ceylan De Wit 1
129.6 dB Grauwels Johan 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
146.0 dB Christopher Vanneste 1
145.0 dB Stef Van Laer 1
137.9 dB Rik Hackars 1
136.6 dB Thibeau Jans 1
135.4 dB Jordy Morren 1
129.5 dB Bryan Gerrits 1
122.9 dB Penninckx David 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
149.0 dB Chloe Samain 1
146.7 dB Ilian Elbers 1
145.8 dB Tokbaiev Stanislav 1
142.2 dB Jurgen Cachard 1
138.8 dB Robin Van Paepegem 1
132.5 dB Dimitri Steegmans 1
131.5 dB Dennis Claes 1
130.8 dB Senne Lieben 1
126.6 dB Franky Collen 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
147.7 dB Ronny Maes 1
143.2 dB Wesley Verbeke 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
149.2 dB Jeffrey Thimister 1
146.8 dB Tommy Monsieur Corsa 1
146.6 dB Pascal Suy 1
144.4 dB Denus Shumylo 1
140.2 dB Ruben Moyaerts 1
132.0 dB Angelo Depoortere 1
121.9 dB Muller Christophe 1
121.5 dB Yarre Truyts 1
Score (dB) Name Country Points
160.6 dB Tomas Nuytkens 1
157.1 dB Bjarne Laebens 1
153.8 dB David Penninckx 1